Pastoral Notes for Sunday, January 13, 2019

At the Cornerstone Family Meeting last Sunday, we gave several mission critical church updates. There is at least one update that I want to make sure you’re all up to speed on as we enter 2019. It concerns a staff change in our elementary education ministry area.

Eighteen months ago, we hired Mrs. Martha Brooks as our Elementary Education Director. In the past year and a half, Martha has taken our children’s ministry to a whole new level. From a full curriculum review and new curriculum implementation, to researching and writing a new child protection policy, Martha has done more than anyone to ensure that we disciple and care for the children of Cornerstone in a way that pleases our Lord.

As some of you know, in addition to her work at the church, Martha became the librarian at New Hope Academy this past year. Originally, she hoped to manage both the workload of both positions, but as the fall weighed in, she realized it was too much and decided to step down from her position as Elementary Education Director. We’re so sad to see Martha leave this post, but we’re consoled by the fact that the Brooks aren’t going anywhere. They will still be in their normal pew on Sunday morning in the early service and will be actively involved in the life of Cornerstone. We love you, Martha, and we thank God for all you’ve done to advance our children’s ministry and make Cornerstone a better place!

As we say goodbye to Martha, we say hello to our new Elementary Education Director, Meredith Suits. Many of you know and love Meredith already, but for those of you that don’t know her, I asked Meredith to tell us a little bit about herself. Here’s what she wrote:

My husband Matt and I moved to Middle Tennessee shortly after college over 8 years ago so that I could pursue a graduate degree in education. After living in Nashville for several years, we moved to Franklin and became members at Cornerstone two years ago. We have two (mostly) sweet children, Sam (3) and Charlotte (7 months), and in addition to learning how to be a parent, I’ve spent the last five years teaching English to high school students. Teaching is my calling, and while I’ve taken a break from the classroom for now, God has given me the opportunity at Cornerstone to use some of my gifts to serve the church as the Elementary Education Director. With two little ones of my own, I have a more ardent interest in the ministries that equip children to serve the Lord than I ever have before. I’m looking forward to continuing the fabulous work Martha Brooks has done and working with parents and the leaders of our church to teach our children the wondrous love of Christ.

If you’re a parent with elementary age students, please take time to get to know Meredith personally in the weeks ahead. Drop her a line or catch her at the information desk on Sunday morning. She would love to see and hear from you!

Finally, please pray for her. She is tasked with overseeing the care and discipleship of our covenant children. That’s a big job! She needs our prayers and support as she learns the ropes and leads us into the next season of children’s ministry at Cornerstone.