Pastoral Notes for Sunday, January 21, 2018

As we close out 2017 and begin 2018, it’s appropriate that we take a moment to give a quick financial update. In case you’re new with us, our church budget year runs from July 1 to June 30, so we’ve just closed out the second quarter of the budget year.

Below you will find a breakdown of where things stand financially at present. Praise be to God, it is another encouraging report! Thankfully, many of you have faithfully and generously given to the work of ministry at Cornerstone this past quarter, and so we’re moving into 2018 slightly ahead of budget. Through you, God is providing what we need as a congregation, and we are so very grateful.

Please take time to review the financial summary below. If you have any particular questions about our finances, feel free to e-mail our Office Administrator, Susan Bumpus, at


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